Betsy Czinger
Healing Key Way
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    As a Certified Practitioner of the Healing Key Way, I am committed to my clients. I have worked and trained in areas of spiritual healing, experiential learning, and personal development all my adult life.

    I started as a client of the Healing Key Way in 2004. My second session had such great impact, I knew I wanted to become a Healing Key Way Practitioner.

    I became a client of one of the cofounders of HKW, Bill Phipps, PhD, in 2004 and completed certification 2005. Before Healing Key Way, my mission in life seemed to be to rescue others as a way of avoiding my own issues. Years of volunteering with many organizations, including Landmark Education, Pine Lodge Pre-Release Prison and others taught me I couldn’t save the world. Soon I went into a gray place.

    I was done. Life was too painful to live and I avoided life for four years. It was not until I followed the advice of a dear friend and went to see William Phipps that my world shifted. The feelings of relief and hope were immediate.

    Today, years later, the gray is gone and life is an adventure. Even though I still have challenges and places to grow, I now have access to confidence and self-acceptance. I find it easier to live in the present and without fear.

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