Betsy Czinger
Healing Key Way
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quotable quote

    I am truly thankful for Betsy and her Extraordinary Healing work. Betsy has a wonderful healing presence and I always start to feel better as soon as we start a session.

    I like that she always asks for permission and protection before a session. If she ever "removes" any negative energy she asks for it to be taken to a good place far away from anyone else. Anytime I feel bad for no obvious reason I schedule a session and she always helps. One day I was very upset about some news that I had just received. I knew that I had to make some changes but I felt lost and hopeless. I was so worried that I lost confidence in myself to make decisions.

    I called Betsy that evening and I broke down crying. She was calm and caring. She used her Healing Method to get me though my breakdown and by the end of the call I felt better. The next day the choices I needed to make seemed clear. I and supports my feelings.

    I am more the person I want to be thanks to working with Betsy.

        - J. Seattle

    I want to thank you for the session today. It was truly a remarkable experience. I am not quite sure how it happened, but I am sure what happened.

    I discovered a hidden story from my youth about relationships that has profoundly impacted romantic relationships throughout my adult life. I know this story has lost the power it held over my romantic relationships. I was able to let go of some very damaging energy my Dad extended to me as a youngster and I lost some major energetic obstacles to realizing my connection with my Spiritual Self.

    Wow, the benefit I got from our session is truly beyond words. The increased freedom I feel after our session is like a breath of fresh air. Thank-you!

    I have been a therapist in private practice for nearly 25 years and have been involved with many types of healing modalities both as a therapist and for my own growth and I sincerely can say that today’s session cleared out more debris than more traditional forms of therapy could in months or even years."

        - James L. Kremmel M.A., M.B.A.

    I have personally gained so much from doing this work. Peace, Clarity, Love, Gratitude and Finally…I am Saturated in Satisfaction as I have finally found something that resonates with me. I am alive again and excited to be part of this process. I intend (with Permission) to work with Healing Key Way until my last breath.

        - S from Spokane

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